Website Updates and 2014 Driver Forms Uploaded but 2014 please slow down! ~I\’m not Ready~

LOTS of updates, pages going \”LIVE\” and New, Updated & UPLOADED Forms are waiting for you!

The NEW and Improved (okay, not yet… but getting there!)  KAM Kartway Website has been busy with several pages going \”Live\”, several  new 2014 Racing Forms completed, uploaded and ready for you to download – in fact {ahem} I even have staff pictures on the Staff Page!  Yea! I know!  I am pretty impressed too…..  No – Really I am.  Times are tough all around, and we are suffering in x it.

But if I sound a little giddy, please forgive me!  And just let me say that if you have a website builder/designer doing your website you need to give them a big hug!  Technology is great and all, but in the past 4 years since I was full-time hands on \”THE Web girl\” [in my mind at least] –  the Internet went a little crazy.  Is that Obama\’s fault too?  Oh, I went too far didn\’t I = computer technology + the internet/websites AND politics – I will stop NOW!

Building all these pages from from scratch and wanting to add new elements like the FAN ZONE complete with Driver Profile pages on the  site (which we did in the past too) to highlight and brag on our KAM drivers and running across all these great images in the process just makes me want to keep \”fighting the fight\”.  I got to be a part of the racing dreams of hundreds of kids -and Kids at heart – and share a racing passion with so many other families…. I just couldn\’t imagine the past 10 years any other way……  I am proud of what our KAM Family of Racers have built!  I still have drivers who contact me all the time to keep me posted on their racing, some of which have raced at KAM in Y E A R S, but I am still just as proud.

I mean just look at some of my memories, the growth, accomplishments, and FUN over the past 10 years: 

And these images only just begin to scratch the surface. It\’s impossible to capture all the miracles, angels, and memories on film, but the bonds, joy and life lessons stay with you any

I am super excited about celebrating KAM Kartway\’s 10th Year Birthday and pray that we have 10 more years to follow. That is why I am reaching out and asking for help.  I mentioned a recently starting Committees at KAM….well below is a tentative list of what it takes to manage a race track, at least one that is still open with a viable program.

So I need Help!  There!  I said it out loud….. 






1 thought on “Website Updates and 2014 Driver Forms Uploaded but 2014 please slow down! ~I\’m not Ready~”

  1. Planning on doing a quick, sidebar organizational meeting for Committee interest during on Jan 18th after the awards are presented. Would you attend a short information exchange?

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