Sportsmanship award for May goes to Fred Buck


May\’s Sportsmanship awards goes to Fred Buck for wrenching on 2 karts, one his own and the other one for a fellow KAM Driver.

Fred will receive a $25 KAM Kart Gift Certificate to use at the track or the shop.



If you want to nominate some for the Sportsmanship Award please send us their name and reason for nominating them along with a photo.

[contact-form][contact-field label=\’Name\’ type=\’name\’ required=\’1\’/][contact-field label=\’Email\’ type=\’email\’ required=\’1\’/][contact-field label=\’Sportsmanship Nominee\’ type=\’url\’ required=\’1\’/][contact-field label=\’Team or Kart Number\’ type=\’text\’/][contact-field label=\’Reason for Nomination\’ type=\’textarea\’/][/contact-form]

Deadline for June Sportsmanship Award is June 10th.



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