It\’s that time of year again…… Here are all the 2015 forms for you in one place to make it as easy as possible.
For a complete break down on fees you can >>Read more here.
All drivers will need to fill out and return a 2015 Driver Registration Form and a Rules Acknowledgement agreement. Parents of minors (drivers and non-drivers alike) will be required to include a Minor\’s Release for each child under the age of 18. This is mandatory and no exceptions can be made. No Minor\’s Release – no admittance to KAM.
Those who wish to renew their Reserved Pit Spot will need to fill out and sign a Reserved Pit Spot agreement form. >>Read more here.
Okay so here are the forms in downloadable .pdf format:
- 2015 Driver Registration form
- Minor\’s Release
- KAM Kartway Rules Acknowledgement Agreement
- 2015 Reserved Pit Parking Form
Payments may be sent via Paypal (I will send a Paypal Invoice upon receipt of all forms) or you can submit a check or cash along with the forms at one of our upcoming races. Please try and get your registration in as soon as possible since a brand new databases will need to be created for 2015 (Speednet Direct AND the new Transponder Scoring System) – not-to-mention the draw sheets being updated.
Please note that with the Minor\’s Release – it will need to be signed by BOTH parents (or legal guardians) in front of a KAM Track Official OR it will need to be notarized. This is standard with all race tracks and must be observed at KAM Kartway as well. It is preferable that the form be printed on 1 page (front and back). If you don\’t have the printer capabilities to do this I will have some extra forms at the registration window over the next several weeks for you to use.
[UPDATE] All drivers will also need to purchase their transponder tags to be compliant with our new scoring system. You can pre-order them here. At checkout you have the option to pay when you pick up at store location or just checkout as usual and have yours mailed to your address.
[pullquote align=\”right\”]The Pit Spot Diagram can be found here.[/pullquote]
Wyatt Richeson #73 Pure Stock