for the Short Track Shootout!
Reward being offered for this notorious event.
Hot Wheels • 3.5 HP • Pure Stock • Gold Plate Animal • Stock Animal • Outlaw 125cc, Outlaw 250 & Open Outlaw • Adult Clone & Adult Animal • UAS RWYB
This is the “Big Show” that starts the race season off for most karters in the Tx/Ok region. The crowds have maxed out to capacity the past several years and we expect to break our kart & spectator counts again this year. For $250 your Company/Team can Partner with KAM for this event. And we know how to treat our MARKETING PARTNERS! KAM offers the Best Exposure Value & ROI you will find from any other sporting venue & it’s a fact that racers are the most brand loyal of all other sporting programs combined. Shootout Class Sponsors will receive a KAM Kartway T-shirt, 2 Free Pit Passes, Website & PR Promotion, Name on Class Trophy and may put up their own 4×6 Banner on the backstretch for the event. Of course use this for YOUR current marketing crusade and bring out flyers and coupons share.
The Rewards don’t stop there…