KAM Kids Raised $1,380 last month Children\’s Cancer Research
It was KAM Kartway\’s first \”Racing for a Cause\” Charity Fundraiser and it was a HUGE success!
Not only am I so proud of our Race Teams for surpassing our goal of raising $1,000, our efforts were actually matched by the Jeff Gordon Children\’s Foundation. We may not hold a candle to what Tony Stewart\’s at the Chili Bowl brought in, but I\’m sure proud of everyone\’s efforts. And I am not the only one! Jennifer, from the JGCF and Kick-It organization actually personally called me to chat about our fundraiser event and offer kuddos to us. She even followed up with a very nice thank you note and a Jeff Gordon Children\’s Foundation Kick-It bobble head last week.
I picked this charity because it is endorsed by Jeff Gordon and Tony Stewart and Kaley has actually participated in two previous Kick-It events, but what really stood out to me was the fact that this organization was founded by a 10-year old cancer patient from Australia. That\’s the average age of our KAM Kids out here! Childhood cancers are the #1 disease killer of children and more than 13,500 children in the US are diagnosed each year and of those 20% do not survive.Kelley,
Congratulations again on the success of your Kick-It fundraiser. You raised an increadible amount of money! I am so excited to have KAM on our Kick-It team and I look forward to working with you and your drivers on your next event.
Not only was this a positive way to \”give-back\”, it demonstrates that kids – OUR KIDS – can be guided to do amazing things and make BIG difference in other people\’s lives. I hope this inspires you and your Race Team to find a cause to back and implement your own “Racing for a Cause” campaign. All the professional race car drivers and teams do it ~ not to mention it will look very good on your Race Resume!
DRIVER SPOTLIGHT and Special thanks to Burros Brothers Racing, Mitchell Mobley, Jett Hays, Bryce Redmon, Drew Komarek, Sammy Davis and Kaley Engstrom for really stepping up to the plate and making our first KAM Fundraiser such a success!! Even though the time did not allow for an actual kick ball game, our event was set up as a \”Fundraiser\” event and not a game event. But now that we have a little more knowledge I think we should shoot for a full blown Kick-It for Children\’s Cancer event next year!!