Instagram Hash Taggers Wanted

Are you addicted to Instagram? Do you have some fun Racing pictures?


If you do please hashtag a few of with  #kamkartway and then you could possibly become an international celebrity!  Well?  Isn\’t the internet \”International\”?  Okay, whatever……

You could become the star of KAM Kartway, or at least our website.  You see as I go along learning Word Press for our new platform, I keep running across all these cool \”widgets\” ~like a bazillion so far.  But I do like the Social Media ones and especially the Instagram gallery in the side bar.   Even before the revamping of the website I thought Social Media was a great was to keep in touch with my racers, and it has!  Since our racing family is so big and diverse it seemed important to have a presence on the most popular sites.

The images below, for the most part – but totally not my fault! are a direct result of what happens when a new Grandmother discovers a phone camera app with cool filters and the cutest thing ever ready and willing to be the subject of an impromptu  photo shoot….


I checked the pictures that are hash-tagged #kamkartway.  Okay I was stretching it with Kaley\’s dirty shorts, however in all fairness they did become that way after she had been working in the shop.  In the same sense the picture of my office  (hey, don\’t judge! It\’s called Multi-tasking) could have been tagged the same since all that organized chaos belongs to KAM anyway.

I did tried to correct my fopa when I realized that I had connected the Instagram on my iPhone to the Race Track, however Instagram has some strict rules – one being they won\’t let you have more than one account on your phone and I was stuck.  Well not so much really me than you.  I happen to love nothing more than looking at Cash, but this is after all a website more for the purpose of racing and our KAM drivers.  And if you hadn\’t notices yet, it is the box under the social media icons in the side bar.  I have it set to only grab those with #kamkartway so there is nothing other than tag the photo that you have to do.



So with that said I\’ll make you a deal:  You start #hashtaging some of your racing pictures and I will use the other camera app on my iPhone to snap all those adorable pictures Cash.  But anytime you want to see the just ask!


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