2019 Driver Registration Online Form


We are going to try something new this year and offer an online Driver Registration form.  Parents will still need to fill out a Minor\’s Release and they can either download and print it from the website (from the \”Forms\” page) or wait and fill it out at the track on race day, as I will have blank copies available. All children, racers and non-racers, under the age of 18 must have a Minor\’s Release on file.  They are good for a year.

If you are ready, go ahead and fill out the online Driver Registration form below and pay Registration fee using Pay Pal with the \”Send Money\” option and this email: \”kelleyengstrom@yahoo.com\”.  If you don\’t have a PayPal account just CLICK HERE to be taken to PayPal and pay using their \’Buy Now\’ check-out method – all you need is a credit card. 

The fee is $25. per driver.

[label type=\”important\”]2019 Driver Registration Form[/label]

[forminator_form id=\”385518\”]



Another form that we require as part of the Registration process is the Rules Acknowledgement Form.  It can also be found on the \”Forms\” page.  To save you time, here is a link to the form – just click the button. [button url=\”https://1drv.ms/b/s!An1j_cR7j24PkSyMXG8Ap7oxisSK\” target=\”blank\” style=\”flat\” background=\”#efaa2d\” color=\”#0f0909\” size=\”18\” radius=\”20\” icon=\”icon: flag-checkered\” text_shadow=\”1px 0px 0px #000000\” rel=\”nofollow\”]Click Here[/button]

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