Please help the track raise money for Children\’s Cancer Research
We ask that each driver pledge to raise or donate $20.
Checks will be accepted at the race on Saturday or you can go to the KAM Kartway Kick-It event page and donate there. Drivers please sign up for a your class\’s team, parents do the same for your younger drivers. When you do, you are then given the option to create a Player Page. Team #44 did this and Pinned his link to our \”Racing for a Cause\” Board on KAM\’s Pintrest page. This is great experience for drivers who have never raised money for a cause and the perfect \”first-time\” Volunteer Event! Our Goal is to raise $1,000 and if every driver donated just $20 per kart we would definitely achieve this goal.
This charity obviously does amazing work and is backed by Jeff Gordan\’s Children\’s Foundation, but it is especially awesome to me because it was founded by a 10-year old cancer patient who loves kickball. We hope that you agree with us that this is a doubly inspiring cause to have our KAM drivers race for.