Here are the pictures that have been submitted for consideration in our 2016 KAM Kartway Calendar. We need your help in narrowing the field down to just 12!! Please shoot me a message or email to let me know which ones you like, don\’t like or if you want to submit another photo that didn\’t make the cut. We are all ears.
This is a PDF (3 pages) of the pictures in a thumbnail presentation with numbers assigned to them for voting purposes. **Note: to go to pages 2 and 3, hover your mouse at the bottom of the image and navigation button will pop up. >[pdf-embedder url=\”https://www.kamkartway.com/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2015/10/Calendar-picture-contest.pdf\”]<
Submit your favorite(s) for the calendar by using this form: [contact-form to=\’kelley@kamkartway.com\’ subject=\’Calendar Picture Votes\’][contact-field label=\’Name\’ type=\’name\’/][contact-field label=\’Email\’ type=\’email\’/][contact-field label=\’Pictures I like:\’ type=\’text\’ required=\’1\’/][contact-field label=\’Comments\’ type=\’textarea\’/][/contact-form]
Submit your photo choice for consideration for the first ever KAM Calendar.
Craig Rennie is going to let us use his photos for our calendar!! So what I need you to do is go to his website where he has the KAM Kartway folders >> here\’s a direct link … then scroll the wonderful and amazing photos of our racers that he has taken over the year and vote for your favorites to be considered for the 2016 Calendar. Make note of the Date and the photo number, or image number, which is listed right under the picture when you are view it on the computer screen.
Send me your votes (Date of event & Img Number). Super easy. When your picture is chosen you can say that you had a creative hand in designing the calendar. You can email them to me at kelley@kamkartway.com, use the form below or message me on Facebook.
Time is of the essence as we want to finalize pictures (only 12 obviously) quickly so that we can have the made in time, hopefully by Texas Challenge, but if not at least Dec 19th race in time for Christmas. They will make a great gift for the special race fan in you life.
Since our dates are so limited these days with so many indoor shows and special events, we think this fundraiser idea will help with budget needs during the slow months. So please plan on purchasing a calendar to support your track.