KAM has a new toll free phone number and it\’s pretty catchy & easy to remember.
1-844-4 OUTLAW (Or 1-844-468-8529)
I\’m in the process of setting everything up with Grasshopper and when I\’m done you will be able to call our new number and select from a menu for either me (KAM Kartway), Mike (KAM Karting Supply), Kaley (K&K Race Services), Sales or have a general KAM Motorsports question/comment ~ OR ~ you can simply leave a voice mail message for one of us if you are too busy to talk.
I\’m so excited that I found this service. Very cool to have a custom toll free number and calls are routed to our cell phones – so when Mike\’s not in the shop, Kaley\’s out of town or I\’m out running errands we will still be able to take your call. Pretty cool, huh. If we do miss your call you will be directed to leave a voice mail message that is retrievable from our system AND we get an email with your voice message transcribed in addition to a link that plays an mp3 audio recording of your message. All that for only $24 a month. Great investment for such an awesome system to keep in contact with our amazing KAM customers.
If you think this cool service will help your business, please use the link below to check it out ~ KAM will get a commission for all new sales that we send to them through our affiliate* link!!

*All affiliate income is used to support KAM Kartway (ie: track, website, and driver promotions).